Mentorship Step 4: Pathways Evaluation Forms

Below is a great resource from D17 in Western Australia.

Evaluations are a fundamental part of Toastmasters. We learn and improve by giving and receiving good evaluations.

We use the CRCS method at Toastmasters. This acronym stands for Commend – Recommend – Commend – Summary. In a verbal evaluation, the evaluator begins with what they did well, makes a few suggestions for improvement, and then concludes their evaluation with what they did very well, followed by a summary.

Pathways projects include either one or two speeches that needs to be delivered to complete the project.

Following are the evaluation forms for all the Pathways projects. They are PDFs. In most cases, they contain editable fields. This means the evaluator can type the evaluation directly onto the form if they wish, and email it to the speaker.

Alternatively, you can click on the link, download the form to your computer and print it. (all evaluation forms supplied by District 73)

Active Listening Evaluation
Advanced Mentoring Evaluation
Building A Social Media Presence Evaluation
Communicate Change Evaluation
Connect With Storytelling Evaluation
Connect With Your Audience Evaluation
Create a Podcast Evaluation
Creating Effective Visual Aids Evaluation
Cross-Cultural Understanding Evaluation
Deliver Social Speeches – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Develop A Communication Plan Evaluation
Develop Your Vision – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Distinguished Toastmasters – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Effective Body Language Evaluation
Ethical Leadership Evaluation
Evaluation And Feedback Speech One
Evaluation And Feedback Speech Two
Evaluation And Feedback Speech Three
Focus On the Positive Evaluation
Generic Evaluation
High Performance Leadership – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Ice Breaker Evaluation
Improvement Through Positive Coaching Evaluation
Inspire Your Audience Evaluation
Introduction To Toastmasters Mentoring Evaluation
Lead In Any Situation Evaluation
Leading in Difficult Situations Evaluation
Leading In Your Volunteer Organisation Evaluation
Leading Your Team Evaluation
Lessons Learned Evaluation
Make Connections Through Networking Evaluation
Manage Change Evaluation
Manage Online Meetings Evaluation
Manage Projects Successfully – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Managing A Difficult Audience Evaluation
Managing Time Evaluation
Mentoring Evaluation
Moderate A Panel Discussion Evaluation
Motivate Others Evaluation
Negotiate The Best Outcome Evaluation
Persuasive Speaking Evaluation
Planning and Implementing Evaluation
Prepare For An Interview Evaluation
Prepare To Speak Professionally Evaluation
Present A Proposal Evaluation
Public Relations Strategies Evaluation
Question And Answer Evaluation
Reaching Consensus – Option One and Option Two – Evaluation
Reflect On Your Path Evaluation
Researching And Presenting Evaluation
Speech Profile Vocal Variety Evaluation
Successful Collaboration Evaluation
Team Building – Speech One and Two – Evaluation
Understanding Conflict Resolution Evaluation
Understanding Emotional Intelligence Evaluation
Understanding Your Communication Style Evaluation
Using Descriptive Language Evaluation
Using Presentation Software Evaluation
Write A Compelling Blog Evaluation
